Buena Vista Farm
Equine Reproduction and Foaling Center

Boarding Information

Buena Vista Farm, INC. offers many different options regarding services and boarding.
Foaling Mares
Breeding Mares
Lay-ups and Hospital Care
Sales Prepping
Pasture Board
Stall Board
Weanling and Yearling Board
We feed the individual, not the herd and can accommodate most special needs. Pastured horses are fed twice a day in individual catch pens. Foals are examined and their temperature taken everyday. the are individually handled and learn to walk on a lead and have their feet trimmed.
Feel free to contact us with any questions!

Buena Vista Farm (BVF) is a 65 acre farm in the heart of Ocala's horse country.
With 44 stalls, 10 pastures, and 11 individual paddocks, there is plenty of room for personal attention as well as the option of a tranquil and natural herd environment.
BVF benefits from Central Florida's famous soil and water quality and is a great place to raise a youngster.
Pasture boarded horses are individually fed in catchpens twice a day and fed free choice hay
BVF is now accepting mares for the 2024 breeding and foaling season!
Call now to reserve your spot!